I have no religion, and without religion God called me, I am free - I don't have to defend a Pharisees Club, - or I am bound even by God, I know the mysteries of God, Jesus gave me them, I am not anyone, or I have merit, therefore, I received from God is a gift – if had already done merits would not be gift.
"Jesus says;" who wants to be my disciple, refuse to whether, loaded with his cross and follow me - churches, call the tithe, ask for monetary and material, offerings its authorities" dress like Pharisees, preached in luxurious temples, and transmitted on television, even have own television stations - are also dedicated to other private as schools and universities where taught things of this world, not of God, and is expected to do a cunfusión between the word of God and the precepts and ideas of men businesses.
I wonder, where is the negation, - and where is the cross? -The word of God is clear, "who wants to be my disciple... is understood, for those who want to, is a commandment." - and addition of a one-person commandment, is to say that all who are considered Christians must comply, is not a law nor an obligation - because it says; "Al that wants to" - However, - all religions have a pyramidal hierarchical organization of is organization that claim to be churches, are not, they are a lie, Jesus never established hierarchies, never became an attitude of "head" - and all Christians know as lived Jesus.
Another thing to keep in mind that this commandment; "which wants to be my disciple - refusing to whether, loaded with his cross..., said it before it was crucified, knew as going to die, was no surprise – nor should come as no surprise for the true disciples have to refuse and carry their own cross." God speaks to men not to institutions, Jesus came by men.
But these super - Apostles, become distracted with regard to this commandment, not only not refuse to whether same or to carry his cross, but that on the contrary; seek, fame, power and money, and also a good clientele.
It is very common among Christians the denial of God and our Lord, - if someone says have communication with God, mock that person because they are not Christians nor know the Gospel.
It is written; beware of the false prophets "-by its fruits shall know them"-which means,- a person not known by their titles, mandates, his fame or the way you dress, but by what is and what it says, which teaches us that we we must have your eyes and ears attentive to be not deceived.
By their fruits shall know them; also tells us that we can know God, not by its figure - also we can know God without seeing him,-( because you seeing me, - believe?, blissful those who believe in my without seeing me.)
God does many things in our lives and we are not seeing him, but things that ago, is more than enough to know him and believe in,-is written that God teaches us up when we sleep.
But there are so many rascals claim to be Christians and deny these things which are written, read it in the Bible and then kiss the Bible and solemnly, say "Word of God", are they not hypocritical?
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