The disciple
Jesus said, looking first things the Kingdom of God and the rest will come in addition, ... this means that it is more important to learn the wisdom of God than anything else, but we give little importance, ....
What do we know about God? ... you really know? ,, I am not talking about a knowledge of her figure.
we say know, but when something happens that is not expected, reacted as unknown persons, we trust someone, then we are disappointed, and we do likewise.
The Gospel is a prelude to know God and his wisdom, then comes the action of the Holy Spirit and then we began to see things differently.
If we meditate in depth what is written in the Bible, find things to say, as is really God, his omnipotence, his love, his wisdom and severity.
We will see that God makes all things with meaning, with a purpose, for the sake of ourselves, we know ourselves, we will realize our weaknesses, and what seemed good before us, it is not.
The humility, mercy and love of neighbor are not part of the nature of man, because they are spiritual virtues.
Hence, our teacher must be a "spiritual Being, with power to make us understand what is humanly not possible, as Jesus says." "You without me, can do nothing". "
The word of God builds and makes us grow in your Holy Spirit and things of the Kingdom of God.
Boger offshore, it means go to the depths, deepen the scriptures is Divine science, fish, it also means trying to get the food that makes us grow.
"In your word" cast nets, means faith, because faith is in doing what God says, if we meet we will see the power of God's word.
Peter and the others saw and experienced the divine power, and also met himself, Peter was recognized as a sinner and also others.
To be fisher of men, we must know, as is indeed the man. to be able to seek the wisdom, is to say by word of God will become of their bad behaviors and have the sole master Jesus, and God, as one God, salvation reach the last corner of the planet.
Lk 5:1-11
While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God,
he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret.
He saw two boats there alongside the lake;
the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.
Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon,
he asked him to put out a short distance from the shore.
Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
“Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”
Simon said in reply,
“Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing,
but at your command I will lower the nets.”
When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish
and their nets were tearing.
They signaled to their partners in the other boat
to come to help them.
They came and filled both boats
so that the boats were in danger of sinking.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said,
“Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”
For astonishment at the catch of fish they had made seized him
and all those with him,
and likewise James and John, the sons of Zebedee,
who were partners of Simon.
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid;
from now on you will be catching men.”
When they brought their boats to the shore,
they left everything and followed him.
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