The second advertisement of the Passion Mc. 9. 30-32 Lc. 9. 44-45
22 While they were assembled(brought together) in Galilee, Jesus said to them: " The Son of the man is going to be delivered in hands of the men:
23 will kill it and to the third day it(he,she) will revive ". And they remained very upset.
Jesus was anticipating(advancing) to his disciples what was going to happen with, but they did not know the meaning because it was a prophecy. The question is, because Jesus knowing that they were going to kill it and the form in which it was going to die, did not it turn his way aside? - for that his mission in the land was culminating of this form, and what already is done by God cannot change, God is perfect and is never wrong, also he added, " they will kill it and to the third day it will revive, the religious ones and certainly also the people, until today, they do not know the meaning of " " to the third day it will revive " never they mentioned it, they believe that it is a question of three terrestrial days of 24 hours, but if we bear in mind what he said to the thief Penitent, who was crucified near, we will know that they are not three terrestrial days, which Jesus said to the thief was; " " I assure you that this very day you will be with me in the Sky " ", it indicates that the resurrection is practically instantaneous.
When someone dies, the time already it does not exist for this person.
A person can be alive(vivacious), but if we forget her, we do not remember(remind) what it did and what he said, at the time, this person is died in our mind and our heart, and if at some time we return to remember(remind) it as it was ", his resurrection takes place(is produced) and returns to the life in our interior. In our heart
It is written in one of the psalms that for God, one day is like thousand years and thousand years as one day, we are living the year 2008 of the Reign of Jesus Christ, or the third millenium or we might say also, the third day when his resurrection takes place(is produced).
Many people of all parts of the world, rich and poor but humble of heart who it does not import his personal interests, have in his hearts revived Jesus, because they have begun to remember(remind) him as it is, " The son of the alive(vivacious) God " ", which it did and what he said, and when this happens, God makes grow the faith " in them, and with this faith " they can everything.
Do not put your confidence in those who give the orders not in the mortal one, which it cannot save; so when they die, they turn into powder and the same day his projects are ended.
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